Search and connect to support. Financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help starts here:

Medi Logo
Click Each to Learn More

1. American Heart Association

AHA is the oldest and largest organization in the US dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. Their website has countless resources supporting heart health. 

Health Topics | American Heart Association 

Healthy for Good | American Heart Association

Healthy Eating | American Heart Association

Healthy Lifestyle | American Heart Association

2. AHA Know Diabetes By Heart

3. Baltimore County Parks and Recreation Finder 

Resource to find a local park or recreation center for exercise! 

4. Baltimore Simple Cooking With Heart Kitchen | American Heart Association 

The Simple Cooking with Heart Kitchen, located at The UA House at Fayette, 1100 E. Fayette Street, in Baltimore, offers hands-on, affordable cooking classes for individuals and groups, as well as weekly online classes. 

Registration: Simple Cooking with Heart Kitchen – Baltimore – Classes ( 

5. engAGE with Heart 

A program developed for and with the communities of Baltimore. We’re bringing together families, churches, senior centers and community partners to support heart health. 

6. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Resources: Search Publications | NHLBI, NIH 

7. High Blood Pressure Videos | NHLBI, NIH 

Monitoring blood pressure, pregnancy, recipes, research, small steps to take action 

8. The Heart Truth® | NHLBI, NIH 

9. AHA Support Network: Home ( 

10. Heart Health Glossary | National Institute on Aging ( 

Glossary of heart health-related terms 

11. Glossary of Common Terms | National Institutes of Health (NIH)  

Glossary of research-related terms 

1. AHA Caregiver Support

Articles for staying healthy, eating right, other resources  

Resources For Caregivers | American Heart Association

Communication tips, emotional support, heart health education, printable resources 

Support Network: Home (

2. Because We Care – Black Women’s Agenda (

Because We Care™is a family caregiving initiative launched in 2014 by The Black Women’s Agenda, Inc. (BWA) in partnership with its National Collaborating Organizations and AARP. It features a series of free forums that provide African-American women and their families with information and resources to take better care of their loved ones and themselves. 

3. Caregiving | National Institute on Aging (

Offers various resources, including: 

Services for Older Adults Living at Home | National Institute on Aging (

Home health, every day activities, nutrition/food/meal services, money management, transportation, and more! 

Getting Started With Caregiving | National Institute on Aging (

Caregiver Worksheets | National Institute on Aging (

Printable worksheets for coordinating responsibilities, home safety, questions to ask before hiring care providers, managing medications, and more! 

Frequently Asked Questions About Caregiving | National Institute on Aging (

Healthy Aging Tips for the Older Adults in Your Life | National Institute on Aging (

Sharing Caregiving Responsibilities | National Institute on Aging (

Take Care of Yourself as a Caregiver | National Institute on Aging (

4. AARP’s Easy to Download Family Caregiving Guides

Caregiving guides for English, Spanish, Chinese, Asian American, military, LGBTQ populations 


Information on how to have vital conversations 

Ways to assess your loved one’s needs 

Tips for organizing important documents 

A roundup of federal and national resources 

Information on caring for yourself 

Checklists, medication charts and contact lists 

5. Caregiving in BIPOC Communities | Mental Health America (

Online Screening: Take a Mental Health Test – Mental Health America (

Mental Health Resources for Caregivers | Mental Health America ( 

6. Mental Health Resources for People of Color and Indigenous People (Psych Central article) 

Article lists resources for Black and African American people, Native American and Alaskan Native people, Latino and Hispanic people, Asian American and Pacific Islanders, LGBTQIA+ People of Color 

7. Family Caregiver Alliance 

Links to resources, info on caregiving topics, self-care, info on health conditions, research studies seeking caregivers, FAQ, caregiver stories 

1. Listen to Your Heart: Women and Heart Disease | NHLBI, NIH

Coronary Heart Disease – Women and Heart Disease | NHLBI, NIH

Heart Disease: It’s Not Just for Men | NHLBI, NIH

2. Women and Stroke |

3. Home | WomenHeart

WomenHeart’s mission is to improve the lives of women with or at risk for heart disease, while fighting for equity in heart health. 

Your Heart Journey | WomenHeart

This page provides resources for individuals seeking resources to stay heart healthy – prevention, roadmap to diagnosis, management, and more! 

Find Support | WomenHeart

WomenHeart has local support networks for in-person and virtual Zoom support groups that meet regularly.  

HeartSisters Online is another entirely virtual support network for women anywhere in the country. Email for more information. 

One-on-one support is offered through their SisterMatch | WomenHeart program 

Inspire | WomenHeart is an online patient forum  

Glossary | WomenHeart

4. The Heart Truth for Women: Take Action to Protect Your Heart Fact Sheet | NHLBI, NIH (2016) 

5. Real Women Wear Red Poster/Al corazón no le importa como te vistes | NHLBI, NIH (2008) 

6. Women’s Heart Health Initiative (

The CRF Women’s Heart Health Initiative was founded to help reduce gender disparity in cardiovascular care using a two-pronged approach: advocating for increased female representation in clinical trials and raising awareness about women and heart disease through Mini Med School educational seminars. 

1. ABC Educational Resources | Association of Black Cardiologists (

Founded in 1974, the Association of Black Cardiologists, Inc., (ABC) is a nonprofit organization with an international membership of 2,500 health professionals, lay members of the community (Community Health Advocates), corporate members, and institutional members. The ABC is dedicated to eliminating the disparities related to cardiovascular disease in all people of color. 

2. Release The Pressure – Take The Pledge

Mission Statement: Our mission is to join Black women in taking preventive action to protect their heart health. We’re encouraging Black women to be a part of a healthy blood pressure movement. 

3. 100 Black Men of America 

The mission of the 100 Black Men of America, Inc. is to improve the quality of life within our communities and enhance educational and economic opportunities for all African Americans.  

Option to join a chapter, student leadership program, become member, mentor, 

Health & Wellness – 100 Black Men of America, Inc.

MIMI-Rx | 100BMOA (

The Medication and Immunization Management Initiative, MIMI-Rx™, helps to connect individuals with their entire care team through web and mobile platforms. MIMI-Rx™ can store an individual’s current and past medical history and chronic disease information such as asthma, diabetes, hypertension, and heart conditions. Medication history  contains all prescription medications, vitamins, supplements, and over the counter medications and immunization information (ex. Flu Vaccines) stored on a secure HIPAA-compliant platform.  

MIMI-Rx™ can be used for persistent monitoring of chronic care patients through FDA approved devices that can be paired to our system and also offers telehealth capabilities  

4. Take Action for Health | Home

Our goal is to reduce health disparities in African American/Black communities. This website provides cultural and trusted resources to help you and your family stay healthy. So, Take Action now. 

5. Hispanic/Latino Materials, NHLBI, NIH

Bilingual booklets on recipes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cholesterol, weight, smoke-free, diabetes, asthma, peripheral arterial disease, heart attack 

NOTE: Resources are all from around 2008, may be outdated 

6. Latinx at Heart | American Heart Association

1. Take Action for Health: For Healthcare providers ( 

Help your patients better understand the benefits of being screened for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and depression. 
Help your patients learn when to get screened. 
Help your patients access culturally relevant and trusted resources that reduce barriers to getting screened. 

2. Your Heart, Your Life – A Lay Health Educator’s Manual for the Hispanic Community | NHLBI, NIH

3. Your Heart, Your Life Picture Cards for Community Health Workers/Dibujos educativos para Su corazón, su vida | NHLBI, NIH 


4. Community Health Workers | NHLBI, NIH 

Materials for diverse populations 

Click Each to Learn More

1. American Heart Association

AHA is the oldest and largest organization in the US dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. Their website has countless resources supporting heart health. 

Health Topics | American Heart Association 

Healthy for Good | American Heart Association

Healthy Eating | American Heart Association

Healthy Lifestyle | American Heart Association

2. AHA Know Diabetes By Heart

3. Baltimore County Parks and Recreation Finder

Resource to find a local park or recreation center for exercise! 

4. Baltimore Simple Cooking With Heart Kitchen | American Heart Association

The Simple Cooking with Heart Kitchen, located at The UA House at Fayette, 1100 E. Fayette Street, in Baltimore, offers hands-on, affordable cooking classes for individuals and groups, as well as weekly online classes. 

Registration: Simple Cooking with Heart Kitchen – Baltimore – Classes ( 

5. engAGE with Heart

A program developed for and with the communities of Baltimore. We’re bringing together families, churches, senior centers and community partners to support heart health. 

6. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Resources: Search Publications | NHLBI, NIH

7. High Blood Pressure Videos | NHLBI, NIH

Monitoring blood pressure, pregnancy, recipes, research, small steps to take action 

8. The Heart Truth® | NHLBI, NIH

9. AHA Support Network: Home (

10. Heart Health Glossary | National Institute on Aging (

Glossary of heart health-related terms 

11. Glossary of Common Terms | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Glossary of research-related terms 

1. AHA Caregiver Support

Articles for staying healthy, eating right, other resources  

Resources For Caregivers | American Heart Association

Communication tips, emotional support, heart health education, printable resources 

Support Network: Home (

2. Because We Care – Black Women’s Agenda (

Because We Care™is a family caregiving initiative launched in 2014 by The Black Women’s Agenda, Inc. (BWA) in partnership with its National Collaborating Organizations and AARP. It features a series of free forums that provide African-American women and their families with information and resources to take better care of their loved ones and themselves. 

3. Caregiving | National Institute on Aging (

Offers various resources, including: 

Services for Older Adults Living at Home | National Institute on Aging (

Home health, every day activities, nutrition/food/meal services, money management, transportation, and more! 

Getting Started With Caregiving | National Institute on Aging (

Caregiver Worksheets | National Institute on Aging (

Printable worksheets for coordinating responsibilities, home safety, questions to ask before hiring care providers, managing medications, and more! 

Frequently Asked Questions About Caregiving | National Institute on Aging (

Healthy Aging Tips for the Older Adults in Your Life | National Institute on Aging (

Sharing Caregiving Responsibilities | National Institute on Aging (

Take Care of Yourself as a Caregiver | National Institute on Aging (

4. AARP’s Easy to Download Family Caregiving Guides

Caregiving guides for English, Spanish, Chinese, Asian American, military, LGBTQ populations 


Information on how to have vital conversations 

Ways to assess your loved one’s needs 

Tips for organizing important documents 

A roundup of federal and national resources 

Information on caring for yourself 

Checklists, medication charts and contact lists 

5. Caregiving in BIPOC Communities | Mental Health America (

Online Screening: Take a Mental Health Test – Mental Health America (

Mental Health Resources for Caregivers | Mental Health America ( 

6. Mental Health Resources for People of Color and Indigenous People (Psych Central article) 

Article lists resources for Black and African American people, Native American and Alaskan Native people, Latino and Hispanic people, Asian American and Pacific Islanders, LGBTQIA+ People of Color 

7. Family Caregiver Alliance 

Links to resources, info on caregiving topics, self-care, info on health conditions, research studies seeking caregivers, FAQ, caregiver stories 

1. Listen to Your Heart: Women and Heart Disease | NHLBI, NIH

Coronary Heart Disease – Women and Heart Disease | NHLBI, NIH

Heart Disease: It’s Not Just for Men | NHLBI, NIH

2. Women and Stroke |

3. Home | WomenHeart

WomenHeart’s mission is to improve the lives of women with or at risk for heart disease, while fighting for equity in heart health. 

Your Heart Journey | WomenHeart

This page provides resources for individuals seeking resources to stay heart healthy – prevention, roadmap to diagnosis, management, and more! 

Find Support | WomenHeart

WomenHeart has local support networks for in-person and virtual Zoom support groups that meet regularly.  

HeartSisters Online is another entirely virtual support network for women anywhere in the country. Email for more information. 

One-on-one support is offered through their SisterMatch | WomenHeart program 

Inspire | WomenHeart is an online patient forum  

Glossary | WomenHeart

4. The Heart Truth for Women: Take Action to Protect Your Heart Fact Sheet | NHLBI, NIH (2016) 

5. Real Women Wear Red Poster/Al corazón no le importa como te vistes | NHLBI, NIH (2008) 

6. Women’s Heart Health Initiative (

The CRF Women’s Heart Health Initiative was founded to help reduce gender disparity in cardiovascular care using a two-pronged approach: advocating for increased female representation in clinical trials and raising awareness about women and heart disease through Mini Med School educational seminars. 

1. ABC Educational Resources | Association of Black Cardiologists (

Founded in 1974, the Association of Black Cardiologists, Inc., (ABC) is a nonprofit organization with an international membership of 2,500 health professionals, lay members of the community (Community Health Advocates), corporate members, and institutional members. The ABC is dedicated to eliminating the disparities related to cardiovascular disease in all people of color. 

2. Release The Pressure – Take The Pledge

Mission Statement: Our mission is to join Black women in taking preventive action to protect their heart health. We’re encouraging Black women to be a part of a healthy blood pressure movement. 

3. 100 Black Men of America 

The mission of the 100 Black Men of America, Inc. is to improve the quality of life within our communities and enhance educational and economic opportunities for all African Americans.  

Option to join a chapter, student leadership program, become member, mentor, 

Health & Wellness – 100 Black Men of America, Inc.

MIMI-Rx | 100BMOA (

The Medication and Immunization Management Initiative, MIMI-Rx™, helps to connect individuals with their entire care team through web and mobile platforms. MIMI-Rx™ can store an individual’s current and past medical history and chronic disease information such as asthma, diabetes, hypertension, and heart conditions. Medication history  contains all prescription medications, vitamins, supplements, and over the counter medications and immunization information (ex. Flu Vaccines) stored on a secure HIPAA-compliant platform.  

MIMI-Rx™ can be used for persistent monitoring of chronic care patients through FDA approved devices that can be paired to our system and also offers telehealth capabilities  

4. Take Action for Health | Home

Our goal is to reduce health disparities in African American/Black communities. This website provides cultural and trusted resources to help you and your family stay healthy. So, Take Action now. 

5. Hispanic/Latino Materials, NHLBI, NIH

Bilingual booklets on recipes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cholesterol, weight, smoke-free, diabetes, asthma, peripheral arterial disease, heart attack 

NOTE: Resources are all from around 2008, may be outdated 

6. Latinx at Heart | American Heart Association

1. Take Action for Health: For Healthcare providers ( 

Help your patients better understand the benefits of being screened for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and depression.
Help your patients learn when to get screened.
Help your patients access culturally relevant and trusted resources that reduce barriers to getting screened. 

2. Your Heart, Your Life – A Lay Health Educator’s Manual for the Hispanic Community | NHLBI, NIH

3. Your Heart, Your Life Picture Cards for Community Health Workers/Dibujos educativos para Su corazón, su vida | NHLBI, NIH 


4. Community Health Workers | NHLBI, NIH 

Materials for diverse populations